Kachemak Bay Running Club Membership
Membership in the Kachemak Bay Running club directly supports the club’s mission of promoting running and walking as a healthy activity in our community. We have three (3) Membership Options:
1.) Individual Membership – $25. Covers an individual for the current calendar year. Individual Membership provides you with $5 off the Migration Run, Spit Run and Half Marathon, and Halibut Hustle.
2.) Family Membership – $50. Covers your immediate family members for the current calendar year. Family Membership provides you and other participating family members with $5 off the Migration Run, Spit Run and Half Marathon, and Halibut Hustle.
3.) Business Membership – $250. Club supporting business members will have their business listed on our annual Spit Run and Half Marathon Race T-Shirts as well as receive additional social media and website recognition.
A portion of your membership fund goes to support our membership in Road Runners Club of America and provides insurance for our events while the rest is used to directly promote our mission.
Register fore the 2024 season below or at this LINK
Printable membership forms are also HERE. Fill out the form and mail it to Kachemak Bay Running Club, Randall Wiest, PO Box 3705, Homer, AK 99603.